If arg is nil, return nil

Legacy code (2) or overhauling bbdb-pgp

There was just one missing. In August 2012 I had switched to Roland Winkler’s updated version 3 of the Emacs rolodex BBDB. Everything continued as before, except that Roland’s renaming of BBDB functions broke bbdb-pgp. That ended my automatic (pgp) gpg-encryption and gpg-signing of email.

Bbdb-pgp was last updated in 2003. It was originally intended to be used together with Mailcrypt. That was last updated in 2002. Both packages lived during the reign of Emacs 21.1.

Emacs is now at 24.3. It includes a revamped Gnus, which has grown from v5.10 to v5.13. Time to overhaul bbdb-pgp.

The package has this crucial paragraph:

(defun bbdb/pgp-get-pgp (name address)
  "Look up user NAME and ADDRESS in BBDB and return the PGP preference."
   (let* ((record (bbdb-search-simple name address))
      (pgp (and record
            (bbdb-record-getprop record bbdb/pgp-field))))

My local bbdb-v3-pgp.el now reads:

(defun bbdb/pgp-get-pgp (name address)
  "Look up user NAME and ADDRESS in BBDB and return the PGP preference."
  (let* ((record (bbdb-message-search name address))
         (pgp (and record
                   (bbdb-record-field (car record) bbdb/pgp-field))))

Note that bbdb-record-getprop gets replaced by bbdb-record-field, which needs a car to go over the list returned by record.

Credits to Daiki Ueno, Roland Winkler and Cecil Westerhof, who patiently responded to my many questions.

After posting on the gmane.emacs.bbdb.user mailing list, Uwe Brauwer replied by posting his own package, containing code providing similar features. This also requires a few changes, to get it to work with BBDB v3. More on that soon.

For me, that completes the switch to BBDB v3.

Gnus has been my email client since 1999 (Gnus 5.8). I took Tank up on his promise that it was even better than Eudora. Clearly, he was right.

The entire bbdb-v3-pgp.el:

;;; bbdb-v3-pgp.el --- use BBDB to store PGP preferences

;; Copyright (C) 1997,1999 Kevin Davidson
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Gijs Hillenius

;; Author: Kevin Davidson tkld@quadstone.com
;; Maintainer: Gijs Hillenius <gijs@hillenius.com>
;; Created: 10 Nov 1997
;; Version: $Revision: 2 $
;; Keywords: PGP BBDB message

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from this
;; program's author (send electronic mail to gijs@hillenius.com) or
;; from the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;; LCD Archive Entry:
;; bbdb-pgp|Gijs Hillenius|gijs@hillenius.com
;; |Use BBDB to store PGP preferences
;; |$Date: 2014/10/14 18:36:10 $|$Revision: 2.0 $|~/packages/bbdb-pgp.el

;;; Commentary:
;; It is believed that encrypted mail works best if all mail between
;; individuals is encrypted - even concerning matters that are not
;; confidential. The reasoning is that confidential messages cannot
;; then be easily spotted and decryption efforts concentrated on them.
;; Some people therefore prefer to have all their email encrypted.
;; This package allows you to mark the BBDB entries for those
;; individuals so that messages will be encrypted when they are sent.
;; This package is revised to get it working with Bbdb version 3. This
;; version also removes the link with mailcrypt, as this library was
;; last updated in, 2002.
;; This package requires: BBDB (version 3) and a recent Emacs
;; You can use mail-mode as well as message-mode to send mail.

;;; Usage:
;; (require 'bbdb-v3-pgp)
;; Then for all users who you want to send encrypted mail to, add the field
;; pgp-mail with the value `encrypt'. Alternatively you can add the value
;; `sign' if you just want to send signed messages.
;; and possibly (if you do not want the PGP field printed out)
;; (add-hook 'bbdb-print-elide bbdb-pgp-field)
;; The variable bbdb/pgp-default-action defines what to do if the recipient
;; is not in the BBDB.

;;; TODO
;; Spot incoming PGP mail and prompt for adding pgp-mail field to BBDB
;; entry (creating one if necessary); like bbdb-sc.el maintains
;; attribution prefs.

;;; PGP Public Key
;; The current maintainer's public key is available from any public PGP keyserver
;; eg http://subkeys.pgp.net
;; Fingerprint: 340F F9A4 8F6C 18FD D032  0C33 ABA1 CB30 E997 A3AF

;;; Code:

(require 'message)
(require 'bbdb)

(defconst bbdb/pgp-version (substring "$Revision: 2 $" 11 -2)
  "$Id: bbdb-v3-pgp.el,v 2 2013/10/14 18:36:10 hillenius Exp $

Report bugs to: Gijs Hillenius <gijs@hillenius.com>")

(defgroup bbdb-utilities-pgp nil
  "Automatically sign and/or encrypt outgoing messages."
  :link '(emacs-library-link :tag "Lisp Source File" "bbdb-pgp.el")
  :group 'bbdb-utilities)

(defcustom bbdb/pgp-field 'pgp-mail
  "*Field to use in BBDB to store PGP preferences.

If this field's value in a record is \"encrypt\" then messages are
encrypted. If it is \"sign\" then messages are signed."
  :type 'symbol
  :tag "BBDB Field"
  :require 'bbdb
  :group 'bbdb-utilities-pgp)

(defcustom bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-pgpmime
  "*How to sign or encrypt messages.

'mml-pgp       means add MML tags for Message to use old PGP format
'mml-pgpmime   means add MML tags for Message to use PGP/MIME
'mml-smime     means add MML tags for Message to use S/MIME"
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "MML PGP" mml-pgp :require 'mml)
          (const :tag "MML PGP/MIME" mml-pgpmime :require 'mml)
          (const :tag "MML S/MIME" mml-smime :require 'mml))
  :tag "Signing/Encryption Method"
  :group 'bbdb-utilities-pgp)

(defcustom bbdb/pgp-default-action nil
  "*Default action when sending a message and the recipient is not in BBDB.

nil         means do nothing.
'encrypt    means encrypt message.
'sign       means sign message."
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "Do Nothing")
          (const :tag "Encrypt" encrypt)
          (const :tag "Sign" sign))
  :tag "Default Action"
  :group 'bbdb-utilities-pgp)

(defcustom bbdb/pgp-quiet nil
  "*Do not ask for confirmation on pgp-action.

nil         means normal messages/questions.
't          means to be quiet."
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "normal")
          (const :tag "quiet" t))
  :tag "Quietness"
  :group 'bbdb-utilities-pgp)

(defun bbdb/pgp-get-pgp (name address)
  "Look up user NAME and ADDRESS in BBDB and return the PGP preference."
  (let* ((record (bbdb-message-search name address))
         (pgp (and record
                   (bbdb-record-field (car record) bbdb/pgp-field))))

(defun bbdb/pgp-sign ()
  "Sign a message.
bbdb/pgp-method controls the method used."
   ((eq bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-pgp)
   ((eq bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-pgpmime)
   ((eq bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-smime)
    (error 'invalid-state "bbdb/pgp-method"))))

(defun bbdb/pgp-encrypt ()
  "Encrypt and sign a message.
bbdb/pgp-method controls the method used."
   ((eq bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-pgp)
   ((eq bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-pgpmime)
   ((eq bbdb/pgp-method 'mml-smime)
    (error 'invalid-state "bbdb/pgp-method"))))

(defun bbdb/pgp-hook-fun ()
  "Function to be added to message-send-hook
Uses PGP to encrypt messages to users marked in the BBDB with the
field `bbdb/pgp-field'.
The user is prompted before encryption or signing."
      (and (featurep 'mailalias)
           (not (featurep 'mailabbrev))
           (expand-mail-aliases (point-min) (point-max)))
      (let* ((to-field (mail-fetch-field "To" nil t))
             (address (mail-extract-address-components (or to-field ""))))
        (if (not (equal address '(nil nil)))
            (let ((pgp-p (bbdb/pgp-get-pgp (car address) (car (cdr address)))))
               ((string= "encrypt" pgp-p)
                (and (or bbdb/pgp-quiet
                         (y-or-n-p "Encrypt message? "))
               ((string= "sign" pgp-p)
                (and (or bbdb/pgp-quiet
                         (y-or-n-p "Sign message? "))
                 ((eq bbdb/pgp-default-action 'encrypt)
                  (and (y-or-n-p "Encrypt message? ")
                 ((eq bbdb/pgp-default-action 'sign)
                  (and (y-or-n-p "Sign message? ")

(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'bbdb/pgp-hook-fun)
(add-hook 'mail-send-hook 'bbdb/pgp-hook-fun)

(provide 'bbdb-v3-pgp)

;;; bbdb-v3-pgp.el ends here